Talk to your staff. Create the conditions necessary to succeed in this work as an institution. (staffing, training, buy-in, plan)
1A. Have a conversation with your full staff and board about what anti-racism work you will commit to doing in the next year and beyond. Address any demands that have been made by your staff or community. Make and support space for difficult conversations.
1B. Established dedicated staff, and dedicated point people among leadership to lead and execute critical anti-racism work. Empower and support that staff in their work.
1C. Commit to anti-racism training and education for your organization, staff, and board. Partner with external consultants who have resources, frameworks, tools, and networks to support this work.
1D. Recruit, hire, and retain a more diverse staff. Set measurable goals in this area for year 1 and year 2.
1E. Have an intersectional strategy, with buy-in and support from leadership. Make this plan public, and commit to assessing your progress.
1F. Support Black leadership, and create safe and accountable spaces for Black people within your institution.
Use our Racial Equity Action Plan Tool to draft and document your organization’s response to these areas for change.
How have other organizations pledged to change? Access the full PDF to see examples of how other organizations have stated their goals in these areas.